Spool of High Quality Transparent PVC Speaker Wire for Audio to Amplifier, Surround Sound System, TV Home Theater and Car Stereo
We are cables manufacturer ! different types / length audio and video cables for you choose !
Other banana plugs :
High Quality Speaker Wire :
Copper Cable in Spool for Connecting Audio Stereo to Amplifier, Surround Sound System, TV Home Theater and Car Stereo
Transparent PVC :
This copper speaker wire offers very easily connection for speakers to amplifiers or receivers. The thickness is just enough for resistance and electrical flow without the risk of overheating
Cut as desired :
The wire can be cut as desired for specific installation needs. If the plastic jacket is removed, the wire can be left bare or use wire crimp accessories to connect to stereo and speakers
Undistorted signal :
Made with plastic jacket surrounding the speaker wire to help deliver high-quality undistorted signals to and from all of connected audio equipment. This also helps with insulation
Polarity mark :
There’s a red mark outlined on one side of the cable wire. Its purpose is to easily distinguish the polarity and help properly set up any audio stereo, surround sound system, TV home theater and even a car